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Superbowl numbers - Roman numerals - Roman Numerals: Charts, History and Numerology

Superbowl numbers - Roman numerals

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And for all of you sports fans out there, Superbowl numbers in Roman numerals, truly one of the major sources of interest towards the ancient numeric system. Of course, the very first Superbowl did not have a number at first, but the rest of the sure did. I believe every Superbowl also had an official logo.

1              =                 I

2              =                 II

3              =                 III

4              =                 IV

5              =                 V

6              =                 VI

7              =                 VII

8              =                 VIII

9              =                 IX

10           =                 X

11           =                 XI

12           =                 XII

13           =                 XIII

14           =                 XIV

15           =                 XV

16           =                 XVI

17           =                 XVII

18           =                 XVIII

19           =                 XIX

20           =                 XX

21           =                 XXI

22           =                 XXII

23           =                 XXIII

24           =                 XXIV

25           =                 XXV

26           =                 XXVI

27           =                 XXVII

28           =                 XXVIII

29           =                 XXIX

30           =                 XXX

31           =                 XXXI

32           =                 XXXII

33           =                 XXXIII

34           =                 XXXIV

35           =                 XXXV

36           =                 XXXVI

37           =                 XXXVII

38           =                 XXXVIII

39           =                 XXXIX

40           =                 XL

41           =                 XLI

42           =                 XLII

43           =                 XLIII

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This page contains a single entry by RomanNumerals published on January 31, 2009 3:25 PM.

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